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Molluscum in Webster, TX

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What is Molluscum?

Molluscum contagiosum is a contagious viral disease that appears as bumps on the skin. Often, it becomes irritated and spreads fast. These bumps can feel uncomfortable and may make you feel self-conscious, but the good news is that you can prevent the spread of this illness. At Clear Lake Dermatology in League City or Webster, TX, we can schedule an appointment for you or your child to diagnose and treat the condition. We'll create a customized treatment plan that helps manage your symptoms, eliminate the lesions, and prevent it from spreading. People young and old can experience this uncomfortable viral infection. It takes a while to heal, but know that it will not remain inside your system indefinitely. Please schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience, so we can create the best treatment plan for you.


Molluscum is a viral infection that is easily spread through skin-to-skin contact or by touching infected objects, such as shared toys or sports gear. Children and adults of all ages can contract the condition. Itching, scratching, rubbing, scrubbing, or shaving the area may cause it to spread. Molluscum is also passed through sexual activity and can sometimes appear on the genitals, the inner thighs, or the abdomen of infected people. It can also occur in patients with compromised immune systems.


An itchy, red rash is the primary symptom of molluscum contagiosum. The bumps typically appear on your face, neck, arms (particularly in the creases of the armpits), and on the top of your hands. Symptoms of the infection include:

  • Round, raised bumps on the skin that may be irritated, red, or flesh-toned with a small dot in the middle
  • Itchy skin
  • Infected bumps that fill with white pus

Treatment Options

It's best to talk to an expert before attempting any home remedies or using over-the-counter medications that just treat the observable symptoms because you could make the infection worse. At Clear Lake Dermatology, we can treat your molluscum infection with three basic techniques:

  • Scraping (curettage): This entails removing the affected bumps from the skin. This will not cure the infection or stop the spread of the virus. Scraping could be painful (particularly for young children).
  • Freezing (cryotherapy): Using liquid nitrogen, our dermatologists can freeze off each area of infected skin. This may require several sessions with multiple applications to achieve the wanted result.
  • Cautery: We can use heat therapy to remove the visible portion of the rash, which may also require several sessions for complete removal of all bumps. This does not stop new bumps from popping up.

Molluscum FAQ

Is molluscum contagious to others?
Yes, molluscum is highly contagious and can spread through direct skin-to-skin contact or by sharing items like towels, clothing, or sports equipment. It’' especially easy for children to pass it to one another during play. To prevent spreading it to others, avoid sharing personal items and keep the affected areas covered. Encouraging good hygiene practices, like frequent handwashing, can also help limit transmission.

Can molluscum go away on its own, or does it always need treatment?
Molluscum often goes away on its own over time, as your immune system gradually fights off the virus. However, this process can take several months or even up to a couple of years. If the bumps are causing discomfort, spreading rapidly, or affecting your confidence, treatment options can help speed up the process.

Does molluscum leave scars after it heals?
In most cases, molluscum doesn't leave scars if it's left to heal on its own and isn't picked or scratched. However, if the bumps become infected or if aggressive treatments like scraping or freezing are used, scarring may occur. Keeping the area moisturized and avoiding irritation can help minimize the risk of marks.

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Recovery Time  
1 - 2 weeks
How Long It Takes  
20 minutes
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Seek Clear Skin Today

At Clear Lake Dermatology in Webster and League City, TX, our goal is to help you manage your skin condition with a tailored treatment plan. Molluscum may go away on its own after the virus has run its course, but it can be irritating, spread, and even scar your skin. Call us now for a personal consultation, and we'll help you reduce the symptoms associated with this infection.

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